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Help and Support / HD-100 Controller Screen Blank
« Last post by mb289 on July 21, 2024, 03:47:55 AM »
Hi, The screen on my HD-100 controller went blank today. It appears to turn on as it should but the screen has nothing on it. The spindle can home and be moved with the buttons but does not show on the HD-100. Any ideas of what's wrong. I have cycled the power, checked, cleaned the plug ends and inspected the control box. Did not see any problems. The controller is nearly one year old and has always worked well.  Thanks.
Vetrics / Re: Increasingly rougher cuts
« Last post by paul on June 12, 2024, 11:19:00 AM »
I'd trust Drew's theory more than mine (and, FWIW, my plywood cuts look about the same), but you might want to try a different collet. If the collet nut got hung up, maybe it threw off the collet - which will increase runout.

All in all, looks alright to me though.
Hehe - Guess I shouldn't be surprised you know as much about web protocols as you do CNC machining.

All above my head, but I'd love for the forum to keep existing. Would be a shame to lose this pool of knowledge, as well as future contributions.

Thanks for all you do!
Vetrics / Re: Increasingly rougher cuts
« Last post by Aardvark on June 12, 2024, 08:37:35 AM »
Good to know. I was suspecting some type of micro-misadjustment of the spindle as a result from hitting that piece of plywood or something.
Indeed, this happens more as it is hotter right now, so your explanation makes sense, thanks.
what i 'can' do is move it over to a shared IP.  it's on a dedicated one, currently.  I asked as it's easier to just wipe it than t pack it up and move- but- either is doable.  I paid $6 for IP's years ago, and.... the six series are all but depleted- the newer ones are hex and in theory won't ever deplete... the IPv6's are worth a LOT more than $6, now...  a domain name is linked to an IP address and that's how it knows where to send you when you type the name in the address bar- if i swap the IP for a shared one, it'll ultimately get you back to the forum- but it'll take time to propagate through all the DNS servers.  the TTL for the IP is set to three months, currently- which means the DNS servers check back in every 3 months to see if anything has changed.  the first thing is to change that to 5 minutes- and in theory the longest it'll take for a DNS server to re-adjust with the shared IP is 3 months and 5 minutes.  there may be issues with caches, as some ISPs like to cache lots of stuff so it appears your pages load faster through that provider- and it can sometimes be 'grippy'--- which means i'll have to introduce some 'cache busters' which is tricky business.  but again, doable. 

if the forum is being used then it can stay and that'll be fine... i can just move to a shared IP... but that takes work and time to do, which i'm a bit short on... at least currently... but doesn't mean i'll always be short on... and nothing has to happen RIGHT NOW... i just have a site i'd like to build on a dedicated IP so when that site3 is ready to launch will dictate when this one now moves.
Vetrics / Re: Increasingly rougher cuts
« Last post by drew on June 12, 2024, 08:17:22 AM »
depending on the time of the year, mine will look similar.  more humid?  hotter? you'll get that... if it's an issue, use sanding sealer before cutting- do whole sheet of ply right there on the table... it dries in like ten minutes even in heat and humidity... it'll eliminate or at least reduce the shredding of the veneer.

in other words, it's more of a material issue than one with the machine... unless it's an engineered composite, you'll get that.
I disagree! I think it's a useful forum. Unfortunately you seem to be the only one who bothers to respond, but as the amount of Phantom owners grows, I'd expect traffic to pick up.

Anyway you can change the IP? DNS? (don't know how it all works).

Can you give it to Phantom to host and manage?
Vetrics / Increasingly rougher cuts
« Last post by Aardvark on June 11, 2024, 10:51:51 PM »
There was a time when I used a 1/4" downcut bit and the edges of the cuts were very very clean. This was with baltic birch.
Lately I've noticed a rougher look, even with a new bit.

The spindle sounds and looks normal.

So I'm wondering, is this just the batch of baltic birch or am I missing some CNC maintenance related things maybe in order to keep the operation smooth?
One time the collar of the Spindle got 'stuck' on a cut out piece of baltic birch. The run finished without interruption, but there was some 'wood burn' on that collar which indicated force on that wedged piece of ply. Just mentioning this in case that's relevant information.

Intro's and Announcements / IPv6's are hard to come by.... and I need this one.
« Last post by drew on June 04, 2024, 10:14:31 AM »
I don't see much need for this page, anymore... does anyone disagree?  Two posts, or so, this year.  I'd like to recycle the IPv6 address- which are in short supply. 
Help and Support / Wireless pendat
« Last post by Fontao on June 01, 2024, 06:11:19 PM »
Is there a wireless pendat comparable with HD 100? I mean I s there a hd100? Any help will be appreciated
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