Author Topic: Fusion 360 Post Processor  (Read 26344 times)

Offline Crazy667

Fusion 360 Post Processor
« on: July 06, 2023, 06:52:07 PM »
Hi everyone, my shop recently bought a 5x10 and we are wanting to use Fusion. We have tried some others from this forum and other sources, but keep running into issues. Main issue is over traveling even though the work offsets are set and with the tool change operation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Offline drew

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Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2023, 07:24:21 PM »
I've got several post processors for fusion and the T series.... there is a problem, though. 

Fusions cloud based subscription pushes updates that can and do impact operations of your machine. It's incredibly frustrating.  Vetrics has done it too, but at least you can roll them back until an adjustment is presented.

Their release notes (by they I mean both) are not complete... as a for instance fusion used g54 as a default offset, which is fine and if you didn't select an offset... then in an update they flipped it to g53... that is a big deal- that's mechanical coordinates vs user defined coordinates and will cause huge issues with crashing.  Vetrics once implemented a change with tool names- and if your processor didn't specify ignoring curly brackets in a tool name your file would stop being processed by the machine.... both did this out of the blue- but that's the only time I've seen vetrics do something like that. Fusion does it constantly.

If you can drive fusion, then you know it's several orders of magnitude more powerful than vetrics, yet vetrics can perform 98% of what most 3 or 4 axis users need.

I dont mind sharing the fusion posts with you, but understand I've no affiliation with phantom and you'll be carrying a risk running it I won't guarantee in any way.... and for the same reason phantom wont- because it can change and cause serious issues.

I really wish fusion was available without that dumb cloud and subscriptions.

Offline drew

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Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2023, 07:31:17 PM »
And by the way.... you could run generic post processors that will run okay, but which abandon capability of the machine.  Other makers take this route often enough and though they advertise a capability which is true, it does you no good if you can't use it, and use it seamlessly.  That's also frustrating. There are several highly advanced post processors for your machine and fusion.... its just folks are scared of sharing them and carrying responsibility of crashing your machine and while fusion/autodesk act like they're not the real responsible party.

Offline Crazy667

Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2023, 08:26:19 AM »
Gotcha, it would be nice if something official could get figured out. I like using fusion over vectric for the parts we make.

We did discover (and hopefully resolved) one issue. These controllers seem to not like running in imperial. We kept getting random errors for "out of feedrate limit". We converted our design to metric and it's running much better now.

Offline drew

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Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2023, 12:46:12 PM »
Gotcha, it would be nice if something official could get figured out. I like using fusion over vectric for the parts we make.

We did discover (and hopefully resolved) one issue. These controllers seem to not like running in imperial. We kept getting random errors for "out of feedrate limit". We converted our design to metric and it's running much better now.

when you're setting up your machine in fusion, there is an option for imperial or metric...

the machine MUST be in metric... the design, however, can be in imperial or metric and then translated by the post processor by toggling the G20/G21 command... it's actually that simple- make sure the design is understood to be imperial, and then make certain G20 is selected... poof- it's translated from imperial of your design to metric of the machines understanding...

Offline Piccola_Mike

Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2023, 02:00:40 PM »
Any Current post processors for a 5 x 10?

Offline mb289

Re: Fusion 360 Post Processor
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2023, 07:02:25 AM »
Gotcha, it would be nice if something official could get figured out. I like using fusion over vectric for the parts we make.

We did discover (and hopefully resolved) one issue. These controllers seem to not like running in imperial. We kept getting random errors for "out of feedrate limit". We converted our design to metric and it's running much better now.

when you're setting up your machine in fusion, there is an option for imperial or metric...

the machine MUST be in metric... the design, however, can be in imperial or metric and then translated by the post processor by toggling the G20/G21 command... it's actually that simple- make sure the design is understood to be imperial, and then make certain G20 is selected... poof- it's translated from imperial of your design to metric of the machines understanding...

Drew, for us that are new, how do I toggle or select G20?